Rejuvenate your braids for a fresher look with these 6 tips

After a while, braids can start to feel a bit dated and not have the desired look your set out to achieve. Fortunately braids are versatile, here are a few easy DIY tips that will have your braids back in mint condition without the cost of a complete overhaul.

Retouch only where necessary

If you feel like your braids are looking a bit old but are not ready to remove them just yet, simply replace the clearly visible ones. Rebraid the front row which is the most visible, and rebraid the back row which is visible when you tie it in a ponytail. If you are not one to tie your hair up, rebraid the lines that will be exposed when you you style them.

Dont be lazy to redo the visible hair to give it a fresh appearance. Photo:

Give it new life

You can give your braids new life by turning them into a different hairstyle. This can be done by unbraiding the bottom part of your braid to create a weaving effect. This will give it fuller look and have the curly weave effect.

Style it

As much as possible and brush regularly where your hair is attached to the braid. Styling the braids take attention away from the new growth in your, try to be as creative as possible with the hairstyles.

Play around with different styles for your braids. Photo:

Twist it

Twist the new growth whenever you tie it. By twisting, you are creating the illusion of tightness in the braids that is associated with newly braided hair. This can give you a headache if overdone so you need to be careful.

Cut the shorter

If you have long braids, you can cut them short to create a bob. This not only saves you the time but it also gives you a new hairstyle almost instantly.

You can give your braid new life almost instantly by cutting them into a bob. Photo:


You can go as crazy as you wish, add beads the one day, remove them the next. Change the shape and colour of the beads if you please, the possibilities are endless, and you can personalize your hair to suit your personality or how you are feeling on that particular day.

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