The importance of hair hygiene for both men and women

Ngwako Johannes Matlou, a barber at Plaza on Market spoke about the importance of cleanliness when working with hair, equally men's hair.

POLOKWANE – Ngwako explained that for cleanliness, your barber should always place a protective apron over your clothes as this prevents the hair from falling into your clothes when it’s cut.

The next step is to wash the hair, this is to remove any chemicals that might still be in the hair to ensure that you are working from a clean slate.

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“The next step is the most vital and it’s cleaning the shaving machine. Some barbers use an oil that’s available but I strongly recommend against it because oil attracts hair.

“I use methylated spirits because it kills bacteria and also keeps the machine’s blades shiny,” he said. He further explained that not properly cleaning a machine can cross contaminate. You find that one client has pimples or dandruff and you use the same machine on another client, it’s going to cause the next client to also have dandruff or pimples.

After the cut, the head must be washed again. For those who want to cut the ends, this would be done now.

Then use spray over it. Matlou advised that in order to keep the hair and scalp healthy, special care should be taken. “Men should always use shampoo when they wash their hair. Use hair food to avoid dryness of the scalp, soften the hair and get rid of dandruff,” he explained.

He also advised to stick to one barber who knows your hair.

Going to a different person every time exposes you to risks, because people have different hygiene processes.

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