Property trends you should be conscious of in 2018

Property trends can dictate how quickly a property moves on the market, so whether you are listing your property for sale in Mokopane, or looking to purchase, there are a few things that you should be aware of in 2018 when entering the property market.

Whether you are listing your property for sale in Mokopane, or searching for a new place to call home, there are some property trends in 2018 that you should have at the front of your mind.

When selling, it is important to know that buyers are on the lookout for certain features, especially with property prices being as high as they are currently. As a buyer, you also want to be aware of certain things that will enhance your investment.

Starting off, we look at price. This is often the factor that can make or break a deal, so it is essential to make sure that the price is competitive and realistic. A proper evaluation should be done and if pricing is done correctly, it offers the buyer and seller a fair deal.

Property owners should also be looking at ways to reduce electricity or water consumption. Going green is not necessarily a fad anymore, especially when it comes to the monthly maintenance costs. Adding a grey water system or even a solar geyser can not only add to the price for sellers, but be a big drawcard for buyers.

In South Africa, one always has to be conscious of crime and for this reason security features are of an extreme importance. Sellers should make sure that burglar bars and security gates are installed and in good condition, while buyers will also be looking at boundary security features.

Technology in the area can also be a major plus, with fibre networks and good internet options being essential for many people nowadays.

Lastly, show off your space. In this fast-paced lifestyle, people have seen spaces shrink over time as developments have gotten smaller and smaller, so if your property has the space, make sure that it is felt when walking through the home.

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