Mighty women sing praises during Women’s Month

The third annual Mighty Women Conference in Polokwane over the past weekend has been hailed a resounding success that was met with an enormous sense of excitement by women who attended. This was according to organiser, Melané de Villiers who explained that they are a non-denominational and multi-cultural Christian movement that aims to change the …

The third annual Mighty Women Conference in Polokwane over the past weekend has been hailed a resounding success that was met with an enormous sense of excitement by women who attended.
This was according to organiser, Melané de Villiers who explained that they are a non-denominational and multi-cultural Christian movement that aims to change the lives of women all over South Africa for the glory of God and His Kingdom. “We aim to hold this conference annually in August, which has special meaning to us as women as it is Women’s Month,” she said.
During the conference, which took place on Friday night and Saturday morning, different pastors preached the Word of God. Personal testimonies were shared and attendees worshiped, prayed and gave thanks to God. A Christian band and worship dancers also performed.
“Lives were changed by the grace of God. I believe He spoke to me that the greatest awakening we have ever seen amongst women is upon us right now. A new day is upon women right now!” De Villiers concluded, adding her thanks to everyone who had a hand in making the conference the success it was.


Linden-Lee Peters and Thapelo Sibanda during the conference.
Karen Naudé, leader of the worship dancers praises God.
A multi-cultural Christian audience prays.
A worship dancer performs angelical moves.

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