Las Vegas showgirls rock red carpet graduation

Las Vegas met Polokwane during a glitzy occasion on the outskirts of the city on Saturday evening when Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy models took to the ramp for a fashion show and the agency’s annual graduation. The red carpet event married party-style pizzazz and daring dazzle with flimsy feathers and glitzy gowns for a show …

Las Vegas met Polokwane during a glitzy occasion on the outskirts of the city on Saturday evening when Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy models took to the ramp for a fashion show and the agency’s annual graduation.
The red carpet event married party-style pizzazz and daring dazzle with flimsy feathers and glitzy gowns for a show that had a select audience amazed by elegant fashions and entertainment.
During the opening scene participants showcased their own Las Vegas-inspired creations, followed by ramp work in outfits from a fashion outlet at Mall of the North and the range of Mengouchi Haute Couture, featuring sheer flowing attention-grabbers.
Throughout the show the party of guests was treated to lyrics rendered by local singer Mahlatze Matji, who performs under the stage name Mahlatze Vokal. With a song dedicated to her models Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy owner Katryn Celliers, used the platform to promote the agency’s anti-bullying campaign.
Before conclusion of the evening programme certificates and trophies were awarded to models who recently completed four respective levels of exams, and were otherwise honoured for various achievements or as Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy ambassadors.

Story and photos: YOLANDE NEL

Claudine Briel and Laella Lelahane dazzle with feathers and colourful costumes during the opening scene.
A striking design that forms part of the Mengouchi Haute Couture range.
Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy owner Katryn Celliers treats the audience to a song that serves as the stamp of approval on the agency’s anti-bullying campaign.
Feathers, a mask and high heels dominate on the catwalk.
Temporarily, the showgirl… Wilita Lee engages the spotlight.
Temporarily, the showgirl… Wilita Lee engages the spotlight.
A rendition by Mahlatze Vokal gets members of the audience dancing.
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