Want to be a local movie star? Audition for these two short films

Tlou Tlou Productions (TTP), in partnership with Witbank Engineering Varsity (WEV) presents two short film auditions for 'It's Now or Never' and 'Hardship'.

POLOKWANE – Auditions for these two films will be held at Witbank Engineering Varsity on cnr Rissik and Market street in the Polokwane CBD, on Saturday 9 June.

TTP has partnered with WEV to produce two short films which will be used as a marketing tool for the college to recruit more learners and students, especially from rural schools, to venture into film production and writing.

The auditions will be based on a first come first serve basis, therefore people from the ages of 16 – 60 are encouraged to come early. Registration for the auditions will commence at 07:00am – 09:00am, and the actual auditions will start afterwards.

The two short films have 10 characters each and will be produced by some of the students within the film production faculty at the college.

The film ‘It’s Now or Never’ is based on a naive learner from Seshego township who defies his father’s wish to become an Engineer and takes a different career path which causes division and mayhem within the family, whereas, ‘Hardship’ is based on love, marriage and divorce.

TTP offers comprehensive services that include translations, proof reading, media monitoring, analysis, buying, events management, strategic marketing services, promo material, public relations, content development and production company.

For more information about the auditions call America on 081 865 3074 / 072 928 5658 or email him on tloutlouproductions@hotmail.com.


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