Jack of all trades urges the youth to follow their dreams

Holding many roles in the entertainment industry, Kgabo Adolf Tshifara (24) from Ga-Matlala says that he aims to inspire the youth to follow their dreams and passions.

POLOKWANE – “I am an actor, musician, writer as well as a director. I also own a media company called ‘Thunder Media’, which aims at identifying as well as giving a platform for local artists to shine. Regarding my acting career and profession, I have been featured in shows such as Umemilo which has aired on DSTV channel 161 in 2017. I have also acted as Mohau in a series called Family and Friends which was aired on True Africa, Dstv channel 168,” he explained.

Photo: supplied

Kgabo spoke to the Review about having to play different roles and how he has learnt how to switch roles as a creative artist and actor in order to fulfill a role that he was assigned to.

“Being an actor is very challenging and can sometimes get tricky as it requires one to quickly interchange and snap into different roles to show capabilities and abilities to act or portray someone or something in a convincing manner. You need to convince not only yourself and the producers but also the audience, otherwise you fail. The many roles that I have played thus far have shed some light about the entertainment industry and how to make it as a actor. One of the most important things I have learnt is to be unique and be myself in my craft as that will make me stand out from the rest as competition. Growing up my mother used to read books to me a lot and I used to picture myself in the roles, imagining myself being that person. Books such as Tselane Ngwanaka and other folk tales which made me want to pursue a career in acting, the love developed there,” he added on.

He is also into music production, where he also aims to spot talent locally and publicise it. He said that he used to sing in the church choir which is where he harnessed his singing ability and polished his talent in singing.


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