Bringing vintage fashion to the streets of Polokwane

Tessa Hlongwane, owner of Mama T's Vintage Boutique, is a true example of a person who is a businesswoman at heart.

POLOKWANE – Hlongwane, a wife, mother, teacher and an entrepreneur, is bringing style back with her vintage creations.

She started Mama T’s Vintage Boutique in 2014, as a way to pursue something she loves, which is fashion, as well as to make extra money.

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Hlongwane has seen her business grow, attracting clients from students to professionals to well established businesswomen.

“What sets me apart, is that I sell quality clothing ranging from dresses, skirts and jackets. My main focus is vintage, very stylish outfits and the best thing about them is that they are affordable and one of a kind items. All dresses are R150, skirts are R130 and blouses are R70 because my aim was to reduce the burden of credit. The added bonus is the fact that you will stand out because you will never find anybody wearing the same clothes as you.” she explains.

As with any business, Hlongwani experiences challenges with the day to day running of the business.

“The biggest challenge has to be clients who take items on credit and take long to pay me. This in turn affects the overall running of the business because it delays me being able to buy new stock.” she said.

Another challenge she faces is having to work after working hours and using holidays to get new stock which leaves very little time for family, but adds that she is grateful for her understanding family.

“With every challenge comes highlights that make the struggle worth the effort,” she says.

For Tessa, that comes with seeing the joy in her clients faces when they find exactly what they are looking for and wear those items to important occasions.

In the future, she would like to see her business grow and have branches all over the country.

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