It’s really just A Hair Thingy

Founder and owner of Ru-Flow Productions Rudy Bessit who also created the local play, A Hair Thingy, is using this very play to fly the city’s flag high making waves within the industry and country.

POLOKWANE – Not only has he launched a YouTube channel titled A Hair Thingy in which he aims to motivate other dreamers and create opportunities for other performers and script writers, he has also been selected to feature on a reality show called Stereotype-Drop, which will soon air on SABC 1. “My channel will have skits from my production, interviews with other ordinary people and celebrities as well as covering the day-to-day movements of ordinary people. I’m also documenting my personal day-to-day living on my channel. Once I have a reasonable number of subscribers I will start showcasing again,” he explained.

A Hair Thingy is a play centred on the coloured culture, depicted in a theatrical performance, showcasing some of the day-to-day characteristics noted in a coloured community. The play was introduced to the public at the Westenburg Community Hall on Saturday, 7 October 2017. It was also due to the success of this particular screening that he received a booking to showcase the production on Friday, 1 December 2017 in Johannesburg. “The aim of the comedy show is to highlight some of the day-to-day characteristics of all cultures and races so everyone may get to know, understand, respect and embrace one another and form one big South African race,” he added.

Shedding some light on who he is, Rudy admits that he has always had a comedic stride of some sorts, although he wasn’t the first to take note of this. “I honestly never knew that I was a comedian. Since my high school years I’ve always managed to make people laugh all the time but I never used to take it into serious consideration. I thought they just liked my jokes that’s it,” he added.

It was in the year 2012 that people started encouraging and advising him to pen down a comedic piece as he was at that time well-known for this particular talent of his. Taking into consideration what others had said, he started writing. “Two years later I decided to read through my scribbles and saw a vision in which I was on the stage performing what I was reading on my drafts. I began to structure my play and did research as to what to do with it and where I could go, this was a very tough battle for me,” he explained.

One of his challenges in bringing the play to life was the financial constraints which also hampered on the acquisition of the needed material. Demotivated by this obstacle, although he sometimes felt like losing hope and giving up, he kept on going as his faith wouldn’t allow him to quit. “I’ve been trying to get assistance from the Department of Arts and Culture to have my production launched, since March 2016 and up to this point, nothing came out of it. I had a draining and exhausting journey trying to launch my production, until finally in June 2017, I got a breakthrough with the Polokwane Municipality who sponsored me with the Westenburg Community Hall.  The public, who were very supportive, needed me to host more shows in Polokwane and their wishes were my commands,” he shared.

To stay in the loop on Rudy Bessit’s projects, follow him on Facebook as Rudy ru Bessit, on Twitter at ahairthingy, via e-mail at or you can simply subscribe to his YouTube channel

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