Disabled learn more about snakes, reptiles and birds

Residents of the Association for Persons with Disability’s (APD) Centenary House in Polokwane had an extremely interesting daytrip to the Polo­kwane Bird, Snake and Reptile Park on Tuesday during which some of them were able to experience what it felt like to have a boa constrictor draped around their necks. The group was very interested …

Residents of the Association for Persons with Disability’s (APD) Centenary House in Polokwane had an extremely interesting daytrip to the Polo­kwane Bird, Snake and Reptile Park on Tuesday during which some of them were able to experience what it felt like to have a boa constrictor draped around their necks.
The group was very interested in everything Elijah Sebola, who works with the snakes, had to tell them and also asked several questions such as what a puff adder is fed (mice) and whether a boa constrictor is venomous (no).
The day ended on a high note with a delicious picnic.

Story and photos: KAREN VENTER

Estelle Pretorius summons up the courage to have a photo taken of her with Sophia the boa constrictor provided that the snake’s handler, Elijah Sebola stays close by.
Michael Stander very cautiously holds on to Sophia, an eight-year-old boa constructor.
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