
What is collagen and its benefits?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, especially type 1 collagen. It's found in muscles, bones, skin, blood vessels, digestive system and tendons.

POLOKWANE –  It’s what helps give our skin strength and elasticity as well as replacing dead skin cells. When it comes to our joints and tendons, in simplest terms, it’s the ‘glue’ that helps hold the body together.


Improves health of skin and hair: As we age, collagen production declines, it’s happening as you read this. You’ll notice it physically – looser skin, more wrinkles and less elasticity. Increasing collagen levels can help your skin look firmer, increase smoothness and help your skin cells keep renewing and repairing normally. Collagen also reduces cellulite and stretch marks. Because your skin is now thinner, cellulite becomes more evident, no more hiding what’s happening below the surface.

Reduces joint pains and degeneration: Have you ever felt like you’ve got ‘skeleton legs’, the types that feel extra stiff and cause pain when you move? That’s likely a loss of collagen rearing its head. That’s because when we lose collagen, our tendons and ligaments start moving with less ease, leading to stiffness, swollen joints and more. With its gel-like, smooth structure that covers and holds our bones together, collagen allows us to glide and move without pain. It helps your joints move more easily, reduces pain often associated with aging and even reduces the risk of joint deterioration.

Helps heal leaky gut: If you suffer from leaky gut syndrome, a condition where bad for you toxins are able to pass through your digestive tract, collagen can be super-helpful. It helps break down proteins and soothes your gut lining, healing damaged cell walls and infusing it with healing amino acids. The biggest digestive benefit of consuming more collagen is that it helps form connective tissue and therefore ‘seals and heals’ the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Many illnesses can actually be traced back to inflammation or irritation stemming from an unhealthy gut. Poor gut health allows particles to pass into the bloodstream where they can kick off an inflammatory cascade. Because the amino acids in collagen build the tissue that lines the colon and GI tract, supplementing with collagen can help treat gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders, including leaky gut syndrome, IBS, acid reflux, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. In addition to helping heal leaky gut, collagen also helps with the absorption of water within the intestines, keeping things moving more freely out of body.

You can also read 13 Reasons Why Collagen Is Your Best Body Booster.

To find out more contact Lizel Britz on 072 243 7707.

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