Writing gives Hosea the power and freedom to express his feelings

Author Hosea Pheagane Ramphekwa (32) says he has always loved to write

POLOKWANEWith the talent that he possesses, Author Hosea Pheagane Ramphekwa (32) believes that writing gives him the power and freedom to express his feelings and thoughts, making these available to the world.

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“I have also had a number of people make remarks about my writing talent, the positive feedback is encouraging, it fuels me to want to do better,” he said.

Hosea born and bred in Lephepane now resides in Pretoria.

He among others holds a BA Degree in Media Studies obtained from the University of Limpopo in 2004 and a Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism from Rhodes University obtained in 2005. He further went on, pursuing a Diploma in Development Journalism from the Indian Institute of Mass Communication which he obtained in 2010.

“I have always loved to write, but my first piece of writing made it to the national papers in 2005 when I was still a student at Rhodes University. In 2006, my writing intensified as I engaged in my craft regularly as a Journalist. I have written two books so far; ‘Gifted, Hunted and Haunted’ in 2013 and ‘Wait To Be Seated’ in 2017. My first book is about the challenges faced by talented people. In the book I dissect the challenges and I also bring about solutions, in this book I was inspired by love, pain and frustration. Then ‘Wait To Be Seated’ was triggered by a heartbreak I sustained a few years back. I was madly in love with a wonderful lady and I thought I occupy a higher seat in her heart, somewhere next to Jesus. I felt like I was walking on air. Somehow, I was brought back down to earth, the realm of the mortals, when she dumped me. I then realised I needed to be seated. This book is basically about relationships where I talk about my triumphs, fears and flaws in relationships, and I share pearls of wisdom in a quest to aid ailing lovers,” Hosea explained.

Apart from his love for writing, he is also a public speaker and is also a Content and Multimedia Manager at Platinum Stars. “Discovering that I have a talent is what motivated me to take the writing craft serious and to try and carve a niche for myself in a world riddled with many people. I always have to be at my best and I also have to make sure that I grow in the craft. I also desire to be a better writer then I was 24 hours ago, so I am forever on a mission to better myself,” he said.

He further reveals to REVIEW that he is constantly on what he would consider a quest to always portray an improved version of himself.  “I don’t strive or compete with others. As an author, I put my all in my craft, I read a lot and I study the best in the game since I desire to reach their levels,” he added.

According to Hosea, art is something that simply cannot be taught but can however, be caught in creation with God doing the installation. Writing is however, a skill that he believes can be taught with one clearly being able to move from average to good. “I would encourage aspiring authors to look within for inspiration. Art is an abandoned work. You leave your craft for a while and return to it with better ideas. For anyone to be a great writer, the first step is to read, read and read some more. It floats my boat to see people expressing their talents and gifts. If there’s one thing I want to do is to inspire people to discover their talents and encourage them to reach greater pinnacles with their talents and gifts as the wind beneath their wings,” he concluded.

Author Hosea Pheagane Ramphekwa can be found on Facebook and on Instagram.


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