Miss Limpopo Teen 1st princess spreads Christmas cheer

Miss Limpopo Teen 1st princess Tamryn Terblanche (18) was very busy during the December holidays spreading Christmas cheer. As a learner at Tom Naudé Technical High School, every day she sees two young men begging at the intersection of Landdros Maré Street and Potgieter Avenue. “My heart always goes out to them and I always …

Miss Limpopo Teen 1st princess Tamryn Terblanche (18) was very busy during the December holidays spreading Christmas cheer.
As a learner at Tom Naudé Technical High School, every day she sees two young men begging at the intersection of Landdros Maré Street and Potgieter Avenue. “My heart always goes out to them and I always try to give them a bit of money and food. I decided to do something nice for them for Christmas.”
She said she went to see them and gave them each a Christmas hamper.
“It was quite difficult communicating with them, as one man can’t speak English or Afrikaans, so I don’t even know his name. The other man, the one on the crutch, only identified himself as Stanley. We – my mom Cynthia and I – also gave Stanley a new crutch.”
Terblanche said she would like to assure everyone that these men seem to be honest and that they really do have families to care for. “I just know they don’t spend what they get on rubbish like alcohol, so please help them,” she concluded.


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