Getting to know the Mama of Energy FM station, Edith Mojapelo

Edith always makes sure that the station is looking clean, neat and sparkling.

POLOKWANE – This week we are starting off the new year on the right note by getting to know the ‘mother ‘of the Energy FM station, Edith Mojapelo.

1. Do you ever dream of being a radio presenter one day and who is your favourite presenter at the station? Mapula Makgashi, Solomondale.

“Thanks for the question Mapula. Unfortunately, no to being a radio presenter, I am very happy where I am at the station. My favourite presenter at the station is Huggy Lebogo, host of the Energy Drive.”

2. How old are you Mommy? Evah Mbambala, Madiba Park.

“Hi Evah. I am 44 years of age and a mother of two boys who mean the world to me.”

3. Who is the most trouble-some ‘child’ at Energy FM? Dekeledi, Makotopong.

“That’s a very interesting question Dekeledi. The most troublesome ‘child’ at the station that I always have to deal with is, none of them.”

4. How would you describe the feeling of working with radio presenters/DJ’s? And if you were to leave, what career path would you choose? Takie Rambau.

“Hi Takie, the feeling of working with radio presenters is a very homey feeling. They all make me feel at home and through them I’ve learnt a lot. They respect and love me as their own mother and I make sure they receive the love and respect back as they see me as their own parent. If I were to leave the station, I’d choose to go back to school and study towards being an administrator.”

5. If you were given the opportunity to host a show on Energy FM, which one would you choose? Grace Teffo, Moletjie.

“Hello Grace, if I was ever given the opportunity to host a show on Energy FM, I would definitely choose Pastor Holy Mike’s slot: The Gospel Deluxe. I feel like I would be great on that show.”

6. How do you feel being the mother of a station such as Energy FM? Nekwevha Sedzani, Seshego Zone 3.

“Hi Nekwevha, I am very proud to say I am the ‘mother’ of such a progressive station. The management of the station also treats me with the love and respect I need and they’re very supportive with everything, not just at work but also when I have personal challenges. That gives me strength to keep on playing a motherly figure to all of my colleagues at this station, after all, we are a family radio station and it all starts with us.”

7. Which presenter gives you a headache or who gives you the most trouble? Phillip Tom, Seshego Zone 1.

“Phillip, none of my children here at the station. To this day, I don’t have any headaches.”

8. Is there a difference between Mamojapelo wa ko station le wa ko ntlong? Thabang Ledwaba, Seshego Zone 3.

“Well Thabang, that’s an interesting question there. Ma Mojapelo is a humble woman who doesn’t change her character and stays true to herself no matter the day, whether she’s at work or at home, she’s still the same. The only difference would be that at home, I am more of a wife and a mother to my family.”

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