Film production her driving passion

Safety management student, Mpopisi Rejoice Mabusela from Mokopane Mapela Fothane village, says she uses her passion for the entertainment industry to empower those around her.

POLOKWANE – “Growing up I have always had a passion for music, acting and radio. With regards to acting, however, I have always wanted to be behind the scenes so I can help to give other people who are unprivileged and looking to make their lives better either through acting, singing and the likes. I have an objective mind when it comes to giving critique to people with regards to helping them find their strength and weaknesses in life. This is why Kiasto asked me to help him choose a lead actress for his upcoming film ‘Lady Champ’,” she explains.

Mpopisi is currently working at a mine to make ends meet but says that does not stop her from pursuing her passion and love for the entertainment industry. “I take whatever opportunity that lands in my lap as I know I can either grow by giving it a shot or stay in the same place because of fear, worry and doubt. Kiasto granted me an opportunity to be a co-producer for the film ‘Leeto (The journey)’ which will be aired on M-Net soon under Maxisky Media Production. I’ve also acted on a video training with them which has taught me even more about the film and production industry. I look forward to be in the production management seat for ‘Lady Champ’ which is going to be shot later this month. I’m still new in the film and production industry and I really appreciate the opportunity Maxisky Media Production is giving me. I’m learning new things being on set, meeting new actors behind the scenes and learning about different acting techniques. I also on a daily basis learn there is so much to be done and taken into consideration when shooting or directing a film. There are many people involved in this process, from pre-production to the post-production. It’s not child’s play and I’m taking it one step at a time. I still want to learn, grow and have my own production one day,” she smiles.

Mpopisi is a part-time model and actress and has recently acted in a local shot film, ‘Ngwana kgoshi’ under Shobane Productions.

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