CDM celebrates strides in gender equality

Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) Executive Mayor, Cllr John Mpe, said the municipality has a strong conviction that women need to enjoy and benefit from the policy frameworks that advocate gender equality and women empowerment.

LIMPOPO – Mpe made this statement during the district’s seventh women’s parliament at Matseke Community Hall in Botlokwa last Tuesday. He said everyone should honour and respect the exceptional contribution made by ordinary and extraordinary women to ensure that they achieve a democratic, non-racial and non-sexist society.

CDM Mayor, John Mpe, addressing the district’s 7th women’s parliament at Botlokwa.

He said the Gender Equality Report of the UN Development Programme states that women empowerment is central to human development. “Human development is a process of shaping a nation’s vision and also enlarging people’s choices which occurs when the choices of the entire humanity are freed.

“When we look back at our past, we are reminded of the system of Apartheid that cemented a need for a cheap and constant supply of labour in order to ensure the continued exploitation of South Africa’s wealth at the expense of black people,” he said.

He explained it is important for the district women’s parliament to respond appropriately by mobilising all women to continue to form the backbone of all efforts to reverse this legacy using all available democratic avenues.

“As women of our district, your ongoing and active participation in Integrated Development Plan reviews and ward committees is a major contribution towards the realisation of our vision of a better life for all,” he explained.

CDM Speaker Cllr Nakedi Lekganyane, addresses the parliament.

CDM Speaker, Cllr Nakedi Lekganyane, said women are the gatekeepers of this country and that they need support and respect.

“As women of this beautiful country, we have played crucial roles towards everyone’s lives. We will continue to ensure that we move this country forward in a manner so everyone lives with dignity,” said Lekganyane.

“We should also continue to honour the the 1956 women who marched to the Union Buildings,” she said.

CDM Mayor, John Mpe, and Molemole Municipality Mayor, Edward Paya.

Molemole Mayor, Cllr Edward Paya, said this women’s parliament will help advance women’s interests and rights. “During Women’s Month, we have witnessed various events organised by government and civil society formations which were aimed at celebrating the cause of women.

“Today this parliament goes a step further to come with practical resolutions that will fully make a serious tent of the hardship experienced by our women in society,” Paya said.

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