Anti-Racism Week – Will you take the pledge?

Tomorrow, 14 March, will be the start of Anti-Racism week in SA, which will end on Human Rights Day and the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March.

POLOKWANE – The word racism is avoided in most social conversations and easily used to shift blame toward another race about a situation or event.

Racism is a stereotype about all members of a particular race being the same as each other, possessing the same characteristics, abilities or qualities that distinguish it as superior to another race.

Race can be defined as a group of people that are distinct from other groups because of genetic and physical traits such as skin color shared by the group.

The Take on Racism pledge is the current trend on social media.

The pledge is as follows:

I pledge to #TakeOnRacism.
I will learn about racism,
Talk about it,
Speak out against it, and
Act to stop it.

This is what Twitter users says about the trending topic:

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