Healthy diet lowers risk of cancer

Smart food choices include the following:

POLOKWANE – Review recently spoke to a registered dietician in the city who explained the importance of maintaining a healthy diet to avoid developing cancer.

“Research has found that what you choose to put into your body, like food and drinks, can impact your health positively or negatively.  By following a healthy diet and lifestyle you can reduce your risk of getting cancer,” Anke van Waveren says.

She explains that the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa) recommends planning of balanced meals and cutting down, or even eliminating, the intake of foods and drinks that are proven by research to increase cancer risk or the risk for other non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and hypertension.

“Healthy food preparation methods and ensuring your foods are safe to eat also plays a big role,” she continues.

Smart food choices include:

Eating a minimum of five portions of fruit and vegetables every day that are in season is a great way to start the transition to a healthier lifestyle.

“Make sure that you eat a lot of different types and colours of fruits and vegetables to ensure your body gets all the different nutrients that it needs.  Aim to eat half a plate of vegetables with meals and snack on fruits in-between,” she advises.

Choose wholegrains rather than processed starches.

“Wholegrain is higher in fibre, vitamins and minerals and therefore healthier to eat. You can increase your fibre intake by eating fruits and vegetables with skins and pips and eating mostly whole grain starches.  Check food labels for Cansa Smart Choices to ensure you are choosing the healthiest option.”

Prepare your food without using fat. Try by boiling, steaming or baking your meals.

“When you are planning to fry foods, choose canola oil with a high smoke point, it is very high in omega-3 fatty acids and has got the best ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 (2:1).  Be Well and Continental Canola Oil as well as Canola Margarine products (these are also trans-fat free) are Cansa Smart Choices.”

When you are thirsty, drink plenty of clean water instead of sugary and flavoured drinks. 

“Rooibos tea is a healthy alternative to water because it is high in antioxidants, low in tannins and free from caffeine.  Drinking lots of fluids is important for digestive health, prevents constipation, and is needed in the body to dissolve and transport nutrients,” she concludes.

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