EFF to open more cases with Hawks

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in the province intends opening cases with the Hawks this week amongst others, against Sport, Arts and Culture MEC Onicca Moloi, Capricorn District Mayor John Mpe, Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure MEC Jerry Ndou, developer and businessman Pat Makape and Cooperative Development, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs MEC, Makoma Makhurupetje …

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in the province intends opening cases with the Hawks this week amongst others, against Sport, Arts and Culture MEC Onicca Moloi, Capricorn District Mayor John Mpe, Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure MEC Jerry Ndou, developer and businessman Pat Makape and Cooperative Development, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs MEC, Makoma Makhurupetje all of whom are allegedly involved in corrupt business deals.
“The EFF will bring sanity and a corrupt-free government to Limpopo,” EFF Provincial Secretary Jossey Buthane said during a media briefing in Polokwane this afternoon (Monday).
According to Buthane, Moloi will be reported for allegedly awarding catering contracts to her husband during the Mapungubwe Festival, Makhurupetje for allegedly awarding contracts without vetting them, Mpe for owing the municipality R900 000 after taking leave of absence for a month, Makhurupetje “for appointing municipal managers who in turn award tenders to cronies” and allegedly awarding tenders without vetting companies.
“We will call upon the Hawks to investigate tenders in our province,” Buthane said. The EFF in their statement alleged that a tender of 100 houses was awarded, but only 90 were built. “The last ten houses corruptly went into the retirement scheme of Makoma Makhurupetje,” it was stated. She allegedly did not act on the Gobodo Report regarding Mpe. The EFF also alleged that companies who are not performing are given preference “as they are used as a bridge to channel funds to MECs, their friends and family members.” Two companies that have allegedly underperformed were mentioned in the statement as being appointed time and again, regardless of the fact that they were underperforming.
Ndou allegedly continues to give tenders to former officials working for the department “destroying what is there and building the very same structures” and he is allegedly “taking every tender to Gauteng,” Buthane declared.
The Legislature itself is reportedly no holy cow and the EFF took it to task for failing to act against a member who allegedly downloaded ex-rated videos and owes the Legislature
R150 000.
Health MEC Phophi Ramathuba is accused of “defending and rewarding corrupt officials” for allegedly promoting an acting CFO who oversaw the award of a tender and not reacting on the report and recommendations of the Provincial Treasury pertaining to an appointed service deliverer of a laundry tender.
“All these issues were raised in the Legislature,” Buthane stressed and added that it had been dismissed by the African National Congress because of their majority in the house.

Story and photo: NELIE ERASMUS

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