Wall Ball a new exercise craze

If you are looking for an exercise that will definitely let you feel the burn and see great results, then Wall Ball is the exercise for you.

POLOKWANE -Even though people who try the exercise for the first time will tell you that it is gruelling, testing your resolve and determination on a deeper level than anything before, leaving you with arms and legs screaming for you to stop. It is still steadily growing in popularity, not just as part of cross fit workouts, but part of normal gym workouts as well.

Review spoke to local personal trainer, Liana Fourie, about this growing fitness trend.

“To start off, first grab a medicine ball, the weight you choose will vary depending on your current fitness level. Beginners can start with a 6 or 8 kg ball, while those who are more advanced can start with a 14 to 20 kg ball. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, facing a wall and holding the medicine ball at your chest. Pull your shoulders back and keep your chest up. Descend into a full squat, going as low as possible, while keeping the medicine ball at your chest,” she explains.

“Immediately upon reaching your full squat drive through the heels and stand up explosively. As you do so, throw the ball up into the wall. It should hit the wall at a height of about 10 feet. Catch the ball on the rebound, squat again, and repeat.”

Fourie adds that Wall Ball is a great exercise for anyone training. “Since Wall Balls are essentially a combination of two exercises, a squat and a push press, they work a total of 11 different muscles in your body. Muscles focused on during the exercise include quads, glutes, calves, hamstrings, abs, lower back, chest, front deltoids, back deltoid, biceps and triceps. This is a great all-round exercise, so grab a medicine ball, find a wall, and watch as you get stronger, fitter and become a better athlete in no time,” Fourie says.

Wall Ball is one of the most difficult fitness exercises that makes use of almost all the muscles in the body to be done correctly.



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