
Young trendsetter leads the way

Rendani Mulaudzi is the founder of Rendie Closet which aims to motivate young people to pursue their passion for fashion.

POLOKWANE – The customer care consultant for one of the major network companies is a college drop-out due to financial problems.

She grew up in a small family of four, with her late parents and her little brother.

“We lived in a two-roomed house. My father worked at a clothing retail store while my mother sewed and sold clothes. She was the disciplinarian in the house and kept me focused. I am very close to my brother.”

Her passion for fashion started in 2015 at work with her colleagues telling her that she dressed very well everyday and she could actually get something out of it.

“We then created a Facebook page right away, namely Rendie Closet. At first I only wanted to blog about fashion and create awareness that it’s not always about brands and labels, but you can still look good at affordable prices.

“I then started receiving in-boxes about what I’m wearing, where they can get it and I saw a gap in the market and started sourcing clothes to my clients.”

She told BONUS she is motivated by fashion, if money didn’t exist, she would be making clothes. “One thing I have learned and am aiming for is customer service and satisfaction. Customers are different, I get clients pressurising me to bring them new stock and I just can’t find anything or get the right sizes and colours. My clients want exactly what I am wearing, that’s what I love most about them. There are things that make me strong and inspire me to strive for more,” she explained.

Her short-term goal is to import clothes from around the globe and to create her own website, where her clients can place orders using their credit or debit cards, and to start a male range.

“Then my long-term goals will be to become a fashion designer, owning my own brand and a store in one of the big malls. To market my brand, making sure it gets enough exposure, to attend as many social events to get my name out there and to deliver on time, and of course, get the right sizes.”

She advised young girls to find their passion first. “Believe in yourself and go for it. It’s not easy, I promise. I had my downfall moments and wanted to give up several times but self-motivation kept me going. It’s very important to keep focused and there are a lot of people willing to assist for free. Do a lot of research about what you want to do,” she concludes.


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