Transport MEC to interact with motorists

Transport and Community Safety MEC Nandi Ndalane is expected to join the Festive Season road safety activation hosted by her department at the Kranskop Engen Service Station on the N1 where she will interact with motorists at 14:00 tomorrow (Thursday). A press release issued by departmental Spokesperson Joshua Kwapa indicated that traffic volumes are expected …

Transport and Community Safety MEC Nandi Ndalane is expected to join the Festive Season road safety activation hosted by her department at the Kranskop Engen Service Station on the N1 where she will interact with motorists at 14:00 tomorrow (Thursday).
A press release issued by departmental Spokesperson Joshua Kwapa indicated that traffic volumes are expected to increase drastically by tomorrow as holidaymakers and economic migrants will make their way into the province for the Festive Season.
Kwapa added that factories which are closing for the Festive Season and Day of Reconciliation on Friday are contributing factors to the exacerbated traffic volumes.
“The Department of Transport will therefore take this opportunity to interact with motorists and passengers. The MEC will lead in the distribution of road safety promotional material as well as interacting and encouraging motorists to obey the rules of the road,” Kwapa said.

Story: RC Myburgh

Featured photo: Transport and Community Safety MEC Nandi Ndalane is expected to interact with motorists at Kranskop Engen Service Station tomorrow afternoon.


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