US Consul General donates classrooms to school

Education MEC Ishmael Kgetjepe and United States Consul General Christopher Rowan recently handed over a block of six classrooms and four Enviroloos to Mapeloane Secondary School near Nobody in Capricorn district. They also officially handed-over renovated classrooms. The donation to the value of $100 000 US is the outcome of a partnership between the department …

Education MEC Ishmael Kgetjepe and United States Consul General Christopher Rowan recently handed over a block of six classrooms and four Enviroloos to Mapeloane Secondary School near Nobody in Capricorn district.
They also officially handed-over renovated classrooms.
The donation to the value of $100 000 US is the outcome of a partnership between the department and the US Embassy dating back to former state president Thabo Mbeki’s term in office. The donation was made by by the USA Embassy’s Military section. Rowan reportedly said they gave the classrooms so that teaching and learning can take place in a conducive environment. He added that this was an answer to the challenge of inadequate infrastructure facilities faced by the department. “We don’t need anything from the school or learners, what we need you to do is to take care of the facilities, work hard and perform well in your studies”, he reportedly told the staff and learners.
Kgetjepe, according to a press release, expressed appreciation for the donation and said: “We are glad because in small way, through this cooperation we are making a contribution towards ensuring a brighter future for the young people of our province and your donation to this school explains the deep friendship enjoyed by the two countries.” He also said that through this project, the USA Embassy was saying that they it could not sit back and watch young people receive their education in less than desirable conditions.
Kgetjepe reportedly also pointed out that the school still has challenges such as a lack of furniture, administration block, library, science and computer laboratories for its 529 learners. He indicated that he has no doubt that, working with other sectors in society, a solution would be found in good time so that the school performs to the best of its ability.
“Words will never be sufficient to thank you,” he said. “I am confident that this project will serve to further strengthen the friendship between our people.”




Featured photo: Ward councillor Jampa Makwela, United States Consul General Christopher Rowan and Education MEC Ishmael Kgetjepe cut the ribbon during the official handover of a block of classrooms donated to Mapeloane Secondary School in Ga-Mothiba, Capricorn. They are flanked by learners from the school.

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