Energy FM’s Weekend Man

Matshipi puts listeners in the weekend mood with his fresh tunes every Saturday and Sunday

POLOKWANE – Energy FM presenter, Matshipi Matebane (31), joined the station in December last year and has made a hit of the show he hosts, the Weekend Desire show which airs on Saturdays from 09:00 to 12:00 and Sundays from 12:00 to 15:00.

According to this energetic host, he is exactly where he has always wanted to be.

“I used to listen to the radio at my grandmother’s house and that is where I fell in love with it. We would sit and listen to the dramas which were on at the time, and since then I knew I wanted to become the one who captivates listeners with my voice and my stories,” he explains. After matriculating, he studied audiovisual production to help him reach his dream of one day being on radio.

“I have learned several valuable lessons since I joined the station. I learned to do what I do with love, honesty and wisdom and to embrace and share what God has instilled in me. Whenever I am faced with hardships and challenges I always remember to stay calm and smile. This helps me make rational decisions which is very important if you want to succeed in life.”

He credits his father for helping him become the man he is today. “He has the spirit of a fighter along with a sense of calmness. He always puts family first and played an irreplaceable part in shaping me into the man I am today,” Matshipi continues.

His advice for anyone who wants to break into the media industry is to be as unique as possible and to never give up on your dreams.

“Sometimes you will have to knock on a few closed doors before you finds one that will open for you. However, do not put all your eggs in one basket, pursue other options and lines of study while you wait for the door to your dream opportunity to open.”


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