Leader dissatisfied with SAPS service

With the recent spate of armed robberies in Mokopane the Provincial Leader of the National Conservative Party (NCP), Valerie Byliefeldt expressed her dissatisfaction with the way these incidents have been addressed by the police.

MOKOPANE –  She and her 17-year-old son were also the targets of an armed robbery earlier this year.

The NCP sent the following statement with regard to Byliefeldt’s dissatisfaction to the local police and the Bosveld Review: “The Provincial Leader of National Conservative Party, Valerie Byliefeldt was involved in an armed robbery on 2 July. She is dissatisfied with the investigating officer assigned to the case. The complainant has advised that she has had to go to the police station on various occasions including a visit on 21 September, to speak to the responsible person because he had not been to see her to take her statement with respect to the robbery, during which her 17-year-old was shot at.

On Tuesday, 13 September, she received a telephone call from the responsible officer who told her that he was not able to “put a face to the finger prints lifted”, and was going to close the case. She then went to the police station to confront him and asked why statements had not been taken from the witnesses to the incident. He rudely responded, asking how he should do his work.

“She answered that she was not the investigating officer and did not know how he should do his work. She also informed him that she was dissatisfied with the investigation and was going to report him.”

The statement further reads: “I’ve been advised that armed robberies in Mokopane occur on a regular basis. According to the weekly statistics for the week 11 to 17 September, four armed robberies occurred on two consecutive days.

“I won’t say what allegations were made regarding detectives and investigating officers at the station except that their competence is being questioned by the public.

“How many more armed robberies must there be before someone is actually killed? The Mokopane public have requested that the activities of every member of the Mokopane Police Service be investigated and that roadblocks be setup in the locations to check for suspicious activity.”

Mokopane Police Spokesperson Sgt Irene Masingi said the statement had been captured on their system and the matter is under thorough investigation.

“Mrs Byliefeldt will receive feedback with regards to her complaint within 14 days,” she said.

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