
Safety tips to keep in mind when chasing Pokémon

It is no secret that Pokémon Go has become a somewhat of a sensation in the city these last couple of months. Unfortunately some players get over excited, forget about the world around them putting their lives in danger.

Tips from a fellow player

It is no secret that Pokémon Go has become a somewhat of a sensation in the city these last couple of months. Unfortunately some players get over excited, forget about the world around them putting their lives in danger.

Here are a couple of safety issues to keep in mind while playing Pokémon Go:

Don’t play Pokémon Go while driving:

We all have that urge to open the game and quickly catch a Pokémon while waiting at a red light, but rather pull over before you give in to that urge. Pokémon Go has already came under a lot of criticism about players behind the wheel, and that is something we as players should try and avoid. The game is way more fun when taking a walk with a family member or a friend, so rather take a walk and catch some fresh air at the same time.

Be aware of your surroundings:

Always, always be aware of your surroundings, we don’t need another Pokémon trainer on the newspaper who has been hit by a car, or who has been robbed because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Don’t trespass:

You really don’t want to get shot at, bitten by a dog or arrested by the police, only to catch a Pokémon. Sometimes you will have clench on your teeth and let the big one go, because it will just not be worth it. You will still need to respect other people’s private property and keep clear and who knows maybe in a day or two you might even find a, even stronger Pokémon waiting to be caught.


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