Show your pet just how much you love it

Today is International Love Your Pet Day

POLOKWANE – If you were to ask anyone what the date is today, they would simply tell you it is the 20th of February. 

However, today is more than just a Saturday, it is International Love Your Pet Day, a chance for all pet lovers to show their appreciation for their furry friends. 

There are many things you can do on Love Your Pet Day. Things like taking your dog out for a walk but using a different route, giving them an extra special treat, something you know they love but don’t have as often, give them a new toy or make them one that you know they’ll play with often.

If you have a rodent, let them out of their cage for a longer time, imagine how you would feel being cooped up in a cage all day, let them roam free for a while in a place where you can keep an eye on them!

Review wants to see how much you love your pet, send us a photo or a selfie with your pet and hashtag #ILoveMyPet !




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