Health benefits of owning a pet

Did you know, that your pet actually makes you healthy both ways?

POLOKWANE – Did you know, that your pet actually makes you healthy both ways? A kind caring owner gets something no money can buy in return from their grateful pet. How come we become stronger and happier by means of keeping a pet?

Pets calm us down

In has been proven that dogs and cats help us normalise blood pressure and deal with stress better than any human being can do. The love of a pet is unconditional, it doesn’t carry any judgement or criticism, therefore, it has bigger impact, scientists claim.

Pets can detect health issues

Specially trained dogs have showed exceptional results in detecting melanoma, bladder, lung, prostate, breast, and ovarian cancers. With their developed sense of smell, dogs and canines can identify low blood sugar in diabetics and even volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that may be the signs of cancer just by smelling the owner’s breath!

Pets ease snuffle

Pet allergies can contribute to constant allergy symptoms, such as causing your eyes to water or causing you to start sneezing. Amusingly, recent studies claim that early exposure to pets can actually stop allergies from developing! Children who play with pets since a young age built a tolerance and significantly lower their vulnerability to respiratory issues like allergies and even asthma in the future!

Pets stimulate Oxitocin release

Pets cause their owners to release Oxytocin, known as the neurochemical of love. First and foremost, this makes us happy, thus feeling better. Giving your pet a good petting can lower blood pressure and even reduce belly fat, which is correlated to cortisol levels. Caring for a pet can also heighten a person’s self worth and sense of purpose.

Overall positive impact

Obviously, dog owners move more on a daily basis and are less likely to be obese than those who don’t. They are in better physical shape, which reduces the risk of heart diseases, hypertension and osteoporosis. Walking outside with your pet means extra vitamin D produced in your skin in response to sunlight that is essential to building strong, dense bones.

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