
Nothing smells more awesome than a spicy, cinnamony hot cross bun

The smell of traditional hot cross buns is a dead give-away: spicy and cinnamony with a touch of orange peel. Nothing smells better on a Good Friday morning.

The smell of traditional hot cross buns is a dead give-away: spicy and cinnamony with a touch of orange peel. Nothing smells better on a Good Friday morning.

Rev Dr Andrew McGowan, Warden of Trinity College at The University of Melbourne, says the history of the hot cross bun, or at least the cross-shaped marking, could be traced back to ancient Rome.

He says the addition of a cross to these buns is not attested until the 1700’s, when the term “cross bun” was first recorded, though the decoration may have been added before then.

Hot cross buns are spiced buns with currants or raisins and a cross on top.

They are eaten in many countries, South Africa included, on Good Friday.

Variations with cran-berries, chocolate, coffee, orange and apple, even sticky toffee, can be bought in many stores throughout the year these days.

How to bake traditional hot cross buns:

Main ingredients

(makes 16 buns)

• 675g self-raising flour.

• 1 tsp salt.

• 1 tsp ground cinnamon or

mixed spice ground ginger.

• A pinch of nutmeg.

• 60ml brown sugar.

• 80ml mixed peel.

• 60ml seedless raisins.

• 8ml yeast.

• 1 cup warm milk.

• 100g soft butter.

• 2 extra large eggs.


• 125ml sugar syrup.

• 1 cup boiling water.


• 125g self-raising flour.

• 1 tblsp butter.

• 1ml baking powder.

• 125ml milk.

• 1 sachet dried yeast.


1. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and stir through peel and raisins.

2. Mix wet ingredients and yeast in a jug and whisk to combine.

3. Make a well in the dry ingredients and add milk mixture. Mix well to form a soft dough.

4. Knead on a floured surface for around 10 minutes until soft and elastic. Set aside to rise until doubled in size.

5. Knock dough back, divide into 16 balls.

6. Place slightly apart on a greased baking plate and put aside until doubled in size.


1. Mix flour, butter and baking powder with water to make a slightly runny paste.

2. Spoon into a piping bag and pipe thin crosses on the buns.

3. Preheat oven to 180º C and bake 20 to 25 minutes until golden and cooked through.

4. Mix glaze ingredients and brush buns with glaze when still hot. Leave in switched off oven for another five minutes, remove and place on a wire rack to cool.

• What to do with left-over hot cross buns or if the above recipe is just too much?


Try French toast made with hot cross buns.

1. Take four hot cross buns and slice into three disks each.

2. Dunk into three large eggs, lightly beaten, mixed with 30 ml milk and 15 ml castor sugar.

3. Fry in a non-stick pan until golden and cooked through.

4. Serve topped with orange peel and 60 ml brown sugar and sprinkle with cinnamon to taste.

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