Dream drive at MGM

The official dealership for Jaguar and Land Rover in the city, MGM Motors, will host a drive and show event from their premises at 64 Hans van Rensburg Street on Saturday.

POLOKWANE – The official dealership for Jaguar and Land Rover in the city, MGM Motors, will host a drive and show event from their premises at 64 Hans van Rensburg Street on Saturday.

MGM Motors brand manager for Jaguar and Land Rover, David Crouwkamp, said guests would also be able to enjoy a snack and something to drink at the event.

He added that visitors who handed in their business cards would automatically qualify for the lucky draw, the prize of which would be a Jaguar or Land Rover brand hamper.

The event starts at 09:00 and finishes at around 12:00. For more information, contact MGM Motors at (015) 291 9700.


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