Ndaba’s laid back weekend

NDABA did not have a hectic weekend, with Ndaba spending most of shim's time indoors.

NDABA did not have a hectic weekend, with Ndaba spending most of shim’s time indoors.

Ndaba thought shim should take this time to find out what is happening to bomaratahelele and to impart a few pearls of wisdom.

Ladies, Ndaba gets that it is hot, and since it is both immoral and illegal to walk around naked, most of you resort to wearing shorts. if you are going to wear shorts this summer, let there be a limit to the length of the shorts as we do not want to see your business. I hope Lady Kenya takes note of this.

Oh and ladies, if your going to wear shorts, make body lotion your friend, ashy legs are not attractive at all. And if God was not generous with fit legs, it is not too late to hit the gym.

DJ Bambo, can you please stop posting undesirable things on Facebook? People are talking behind your back bra.

Speaking of Facebook, are Chris Mokoditoa and DJ Cappuccino still hanging their dirty laundry out to dry on the social site?

Ike Ngobeni thinks he is a magician neh? He likes to appear and disappear on the social scene.

Rumour has it that DJ Mr X is going through a drought of gigs.
How is Jacob Lebogo doing?

Can someone please be as kind as to fill Ndaba in on what’s happening with Mahlatsi Matjie of the Muzo Brothers. Gape his Facebook is full of photos of him in front of video machines.

Bathong, DJ Tazz wa shokisha la tseba. Ndaba is always bumping into him sitting all by his lonesome at gigs.

How is Jacob Lebogo doing after the unfortunate incident at Waterland?

Ndaba heard gore the once popular DJ Mr X is now down and out due to drought of gigs.

Bathong le botše Phalanndwa Sikhwivhilu a tlogele go robala ma jwaleng tuu.

DJ Tazz is always seen by himself.
Ladies, please be careful of wearing shorts as short as Mpho Ramobu’s.
Khathu Ndou and Phalanndwa Sikhwivhilu.
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