
Funny Noko tells all

IN an industry where women are few and far between, Noko Abigail Moswete is known as a woman who can make anyone laugh.

IN an industry where women are few and far between, Noko Abigail Moswete is known as a woman who can make anyone laugh.

Moswete is a regular at Jembe Tavern’s Wednesday comedy nights at Meropa Casino and Entertainment World and her fans adore her. This comedian from Ga-Matlala, has ambitions to star in her own television show.

Express asked her a few questions.

How much value do you put on education?

Education is very important. I matriculated from Northern Academy and then obtained a diploma in language practise from the TUT.

When did you realise that you were funny?

Moswete: I have always been a storyteller. I was that kid who was always surrounded by people who would be laughing at at my stories.

When did you start your professional career?

I started performing professionally this year in May after I joined the Comedy Society in Pretoria in April.

What do you love most about your job?

I love travelling, meeting interesting people and sleeping in hotels.

What do you hate most about your job?

This industry has skelms or tsotsis that can make you quit if you do not have a thick skin. Some people take advantage, maybe of the fact that I am a female and a newcomer.

If you were not in comedy, what would you be doing for a living?

If I were not in comedy, I would be teaching.

Where do you get your material from?

I get my material from everyday experiences, current affairs and my colourful creative mind.

What would you say makes you a good comedian?

I go to comedy rehearsals and I always take criticism. If it’s nonsense, I delete it from my memory, if it’s good, I use it. I do not insult or offend people intentionally and I do not act all high and mighty. I have time for my supporters.

What is your take on comedians who always ridicule the president of our country?

I think that our president is a comedian himself.

Your advice to up and coming comedians?

Never ever steal or borrow jokes from the internet or from people you think others don’t know. When it comes to money, do not be afraid to ask before you take a job.

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