Local sport

Fit Moms keep Seshego community fit

Fit Moms currently have 36 members and they host aerobics and stretch training, allowing young members who have trained to become personal trainers.

POLOKWANE – Fit Mom’s coach, Violet Mahlangu recently encouraged the community to stay fit at the Aerobics and Colour Run held at the Seshego Kings Complex.

“Following a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be expensive. You can wake up every day and walk to keep fit.”

She said they have partnered with the Limpopo Anti-Drugs, Gangsterism and Crime (Ladgac) centre in order to do something for the community.

Those who attended the event donated non-perishable food items to donate to the centre.

Louisah Motana participate in the aerobics.

Fit Moms currently has 36 members, she said and that is why they wanted to involve the whole community.

“In this way, the impact is greater. In terms of fitness, we meet every Wednesday, and we do this deliberately during work hours because we want to target pensioners and unemployed youths.”

She said they will continue to partner with Ladgac, as well as the Matome Rapetsoa Foundation.

“We were there recently for the Ndini family when their house was gutted in a fire. Even though this was our second initiative, we are proud to be able to assist where needed.”

Fit Moms usually hosts aerobics and stretch training, and allows the young members who have trained to become personal trainers.

Dimpho Mello and Rachel Tema.

“We allow them to train with us and train our people, so that they can become personal trainers. Never say you are too old. Just look at the Comrades Marathon, where someone from our province who is older than 80 this year became the oldest marathon participant,” she concluded.

Ladgac founder, Ali Makhura said he is happy with the support from Fit Moms.

“Right now, Ladgac has registered 170 boys and 15 girls. The centre has been running for three years now, and it has rehabilitated many boys and girls in and around Polokwane.”

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