Levi’s death a great loss to the community

The Polokwane Golf Club community is in shock after Levi Lechelele's sudden death on June 5.

POLOKWANE – Levi (54) worked at the club for more than 20 years. He started out as the chef and was later trained to work as a waiter in the bar and eventually as barman.

His colleague and friend, Albert Mogaila said he cannot begin to describe how nice Levi was.

“We were colleagues since 2011 and it was good to work with him. I will miss his smile and the quirky way he used to walk. He taught me to respect customers and to help them to the best of my abilities.”

Manare Digangoane remembers she started to work with Levi during the Soccer World Cub in 2010.

“He trained me to be a waiter. He was a reasonable and understanding man. I will remember him as very humble and happy,” she said.

The representative of the club, Willie Opperman, said Levi was a quiet person who rarely spoke.

“For the past few months he struggled with his health, but true to Levi, he never complained and no one really knew what was wrong. He suffered a stoke, which caused his death. Levi’s passing is a great loss to the club. Everyone loved him very much. He was a really nice guy who never had issues with other people.”

Levi’s wife passed away in 2021. He is survived by a son and daughter.

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