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LBA desperately seeks basketball equipment for female teams

According to the Limpopo Basketball Association (LBA) says the teams do not have the correct gear to compete in local and national tournaments.

LIMPOPO – The secretary general of the Limpopo Basketball Association (LBA), Phetolo Mahana, visited basketball teams in the area and was shocked by what he discovered. According to him the Seshego Sonics, Dream Team and Solomondale Pacers do not have the correct gear to compete in local and national tournaments.

Mahana says the lack of kits have left the association concerned about the clubs’ financial restrictions. “Other basketball federations are lucky enough to have various sponsors and support from public and private sectors, while our clubs struggle to get the needed support. Our players share gear with one another and it is unhygienic, especially now during the pandemic. The fact that female players have to share gear with their male teammates is not appropriate at all,” he says.

Mahana adds that while they appreciate that the government provided basketballs and pumps, the plastic balls are not durable enough to play with on an outdoor court.

“We have to replace the balls every two weeks,” he says.

He adds that Limpopo’s basketball teams will never prosper against other teams due to a lack of simple equipment such as shot clocks.

“The 24-second shot clock shows game, offense or possession times and it is essential equipment for us. Most of the time our clubs lose because the players don’t know how to play according to the timer on a shot clock. I believe that we will improve our game 100% if we have the equipment,” he says.

Mahana feels more women need to take up basketball and that there is a demand for players.

“Many coaches lost their jobs during lockdown. If they get hired at schools and universities it will minimise financial stress and unemployment issues in the industry,” he says and adds that the LBA are in need of donations for their male and female teams. He adds that a little will go a long way.

“There is wealth in Polokwane and all we ask for is a bit of assistance, even if we have to give someone a quote and they buy what we need. We would appreciate any donations,” he concludes.


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