77-year-old Johannes keeps up the pace

Remarkable outcomes often accompany the Comrades Marathon's results. One of these saw the 77-year-old Johannes Mosehla from the Polokwane Athletics Club (PAC) complete the ultimate human race in a time of 10:21:48.

POLOKWANE – He was born and raised in Sekukhune, where he did not only compete in a variety of marathons but also started his own running club in 1981. After successfully running the club, he decided to concentrate more on his own running, and joined the PAC in 1983.

Johannes says back then, running in the bigger events was a must and this is something he believes made him the successful runner he is today.

Some of the races in which he bagged top spots over the years include the Soweto Run, Sanlam Run in Cape Town and the Mandela Relay.

“I believe that running is good for you despite your age. I also believe in supporting running events that do something special for people in need, like the Cansa races, and I would like to see more people get involved in these kind of races,” he says.

Johannes advises runners who have just taken up the sport, to love it first and foremost, as running will give them purpose.

He would like to see more support being offered to runners, as he feels they cannot compete consistently because of issues relating to transport and entering events.

Johannes urges runners to keep up with their training, even when they are not preparing themselves for an ultra marathon.

“It is important to stay running-fit.

“Training makes you strong and fight illnesses. It keeps your mind and body willing and able to take on any challenge,” he explains.

One thing that stood out for him the recent Comrades Marathon, was the number of young people who competed.

“It is good to see young talent come out and take part in races like the Comrades Marathon. They’ll develop their skills from a young age,” he adds.

Johannes says he will always tell people to run as it helps them to stay fit and for those who perform, it can become a way to earn an income.

“Many people ask me to retire from running, but it is something that I can never see myself doing.

“I feel good and nothing can beat that,” Johannes concludes.


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