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From cricket bats and netball, to putting on the green

Nola Peceur started playing golf in 2012 when she decided to say goodbye to cricket and netball and pick up her clubs with her husband.

POLOKWANE – Nola Peceur started playing golf in 2012 when she decided to say goodbye to cricket and netball and pick up her clubs with her husband. As a serious businesswoman, Nola believes it is important to stay active and find time in your busy schedule to participate in sport. Her nine to five job is to run a fuel station.

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“I am a full-time mother and because of that and work, I really do not get time for other hobbies but I love being involved with everything that being a mother requires of me,” she says.

One of her best and most favourite accomplishments in golf was breaking the 90 and playing an 89, “which was surely a good day on the course”. She describes herself as an easy-going person.

Nola Peceur takes a swing at her favorite game and sport.

“Sometimes, I am a bit of a perfectionist and this makes life difficult at times,” she adds.

She says her love for golf comes from the challenges the game offers.

“I love it for the exercise because when you get to an age where you can’t participate in sport that involves a lot of running or bending, golf is the perfect sport,” she explains.

Nola Peceur makes every ball count on the putting surface.

She recommends the sport for someone who is looking for a new challenge and she advises that they then start to work on the finer points and master them one at a time, as they keep playing and enjoying the game of golf.

“The game teaches you a lot, it can bring out the best and worst in you and it is a sport where you can meet people from all walks of life,” she adds.

The most important thing that she says she would like people to remember is that it is just a game at the end of the day, so enjoy it.

“Personally I would like to shoot 85 more often, but as they say: practice makes perfect,” she concludes.


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