Mayor’s Cup starts 17 March

Preliminary competitions for this year's Greater Letaba Municipality Mayor's Cup competitions will kick off on Sunday, 17 March at all 30 municipal wards which were grouped into seven clusters.

LIMPOPO – This was announced by the Greater Letaba Municipality Mayor, Peter Matlou during the official launch of the annual tournament at Mokwakwaila community hall in Bolobedu on Sunday.

Addressing various sport formations, municipal officials and team leaders from across Greater Letaba during the launch, Matlou said unlike in previous years, they have decided to officiate this competition to make it one of the best for it to attract soccer and netball fans from start to finish.

“The Mayor’s Cup has been going on over the years but it was not well-known in the communities on the ground because people in the municipality used to hear about it only while already progressing to the top eight or the finals,” Matlou said.

He said the municipality will mobilise resources for this year’s tournament to ensure that it is successful.

He explained that there are many sports facilities around Greater Letaba built by the municipality and some of them will be used by some teams during this year’s cup matches.

Matlou also added that the people in Greater Letaba must learn to celebrate sport stars who hailed from the municipality to encourage them to work hard wherever they are to put the area on the world map.

Meanwhile, the South African Football Association (Safa) in Mopani ,Vincent Ramphago said they will play a role in this tournament to ensure that it becomes a success story of note, also for years to come.

He said the municipality will be divided into seven clusters during this tournament in order to make soccer and netball teams which will be participating, manageable.

He called on soccer and netball teams in all 30 municipal wards to take part from preliminary level so that the best teams will be chosen at the end of the tournament.

According to Rampahago two teams in the netball and soccer category will represent Greater Letaba during Mopani district Mayor’s Cup to take place later this year.

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