Annual Mayoral Charity Golf Day 2018 to take place on 30 November

Speaking at the launch, Nkadimeng said in Polokwane, sport has been the greatest contributor to the Executive Mayor's Bursary Fund through various partnerships that have benefitted disadvantaged learners and charity organisations in the past.

POLOKWANE – Mayor, Thembi Nkadimeng, recently launched the Annual Mayoral Charity Golf Day 2018.

Last year, the municipality raised just under a R1 million, which was allocated in assisting 110 learners from previously disadvantaged backgrounds. This year, they have set the target at R1,5 million.

The golf day is scheduled for Friday, 30 November at the Polokwane Golf Club.

Speaking at the launch, Nkadimeng said in Polokwane, sport has been the greatest contributor to the Executive Mayor’s Bursary Fund through various partnerships that have benefitted disadvantaged learners and charity organisations in the past.

“In 2017, the Mayoral Charity Golf Day raised in excess of R900 000, a major boost to the bursary fund. So far over 179 young people benefitted from the fund. This year, 52 students benefitted. It is our wish that even more young people could benefit from the fund,” said Nkadimeng.

She said since inception, the municipality ensured that money raised from the Mayoral Charity Golf Day helped to reach many families and individuals across Polokwane through the partnerships with faith-based organisations, non-government organisations, traditional authorities and the youth.

“It is our belief that the businesspeople of Polokwane and Limpopo believe in the leadership of their capital city. We appreciate the support that we enjoyed over the past six years and we believe that there is more that we will continue to enjoy from this partnership.

We know you opened your wallets and signed your cheques not because you wanted to please us, but because you wanted to contribute to humanity and to education,” she said.

She told BONUS that the past six episodes of the charity event were successful not because the municipality is able to do what they do best, but because of the business community. “Our target this year is R1,5 million. So far we have secured over R800 000 in pledges. I have no doubt that our business partners will support this charitable cause. We believe that through partnership this target is achievable.

“We therefore invite the business sector and individuals to come on board and assist us to make this a reality. Contact details and various sponsorship packages are available,” she said.

Nkadimeng thanked the event’s major sponsors.

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