Polokwane wrestlers headed down under for the Commonwealth Games

ION Baciu Wrestling Academy has something to brag about as they produced two of the five wrestlers chosen to represent the country at the Commonwealth Games held at the Gold Coast in Australia in April.

POLOKWANE – Hanru Botha (28) and Terry van Rensburg (23) were selected and are deemed as the best wrestlers from the Limpopo Wrestling Association.

“We chose these two young men to represent the country as they have showed not only stamina, but also much dedication and passion for martial arts.

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“We trust and believe that they will do well and bring home the medals as well as the experience and also fly the South African flag high. Terry came second in the Commonwealth championships and top two in the SA trials in 2017 and the past four years he came out top in his weight category. He is also the only wrestler who is going to represent our country for the second time in the Commonwealth Games. In 1994 in Glasgow he came fifth in his category,” said Magrietha Lourens, Acting Secretary of the Limpopo Wrestling Association.

Van Rensburg conveyed both his feelings of excitement and anxiousness on the Commonwealth Games.

“Although this is my second time going to the Commonwealth Games I am a bit anxious about going to compete with some of the best wrestlers worldwide, but I am confident I will do well. I mean I can’t go all the way to Australia to let myself and the country down,” he added.

Botha, who shared the same sentiment added that although he too may be a bit anxious, he is ready for the experience. “I have worked my whole life since I was three years old for a chance to represent South Africa at the Commonwealth Games. Having my dad Rudi Botha as my coach, I am confident that the work that I am putting in right now will pay off in Australia. I’m so excited to compete and I’m training hard and relentless in Mokopane towards these championships,” he concluded.


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