Doting dad gushes over his tennis trio

"I see a bright future ahead for each and everyone of them"

POLOKWANE – Rethabile (11), Relebogile (8) and Reratilwe (7) Rakgole were introduced to the game of tennis four years ago and have since won a number of trophies and played in various leagues.

The trio are mentored by their father, Walter, whose biggest dream is to see his children play in world tennis tournaments such as Wimbledon.
“I introduced Rethabile to the game before the others and he played like a pro, that is when I decided to invite the other two along and they knocked me off my feet. I am impressed with the way they play and I see a bright future ahead for each and everyone of them,” Walter explains.
Rethabile represented the province a number of times in national tournaments and he recently won a bronze medal in Pretoria. Walter says he was planning on hiring a professional coach to nurture and groom his sons. “I have been coaching my children for a while now but I think it would be best if they worked with a professional tennis coach in order to become better. I am not a qualified tennis coach but my children understand the way I coach,” he says.
He says his sons also participate in other sporting codes such as athletics and soccer and do well academically. The Rakgole siblings say they take part in many local tennis tournaments because they want to stay fit and ready for national competitions.
Rethabile earned Limpopo colours and he is now aiming to make the national team.
Walter is confident that at least one of his children will turn pro and fly the South African flag high in world competitions, and encourages parents to support their children to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle.

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