These 2 pack a real punch

Stefan Pretorius and Kian Kleynhans of the Limpopo Provincial Sport Kickboxing Karate Academy (LPSKKA) secured five medals

Stefan Pretorius and Kian Kleynhans of the Limpopo Provincial Sport Kickboxing Karate Academy (LPSKKA) secured five medals at the NMA and International Sport Karate Association (Iska) kickboxing and karate championships, including a silver medal in the open creative unison kata division.

“Stefan, an advanced student, and Kian, an intermediate student, did extremely well. They won second place in an open division,” said Nico Myburgh, LPSKKA coach.

Both students also performed well in their individual divisions at the cham-pionships that took place at the Bellville Velodrome in Cape Town recently.

Stefan won a bronze medal in the advanced semi-contact division and a silver medal for light continuous contact in the boys 12 to 14 age category.

“In one of the most challenging junior divisions, Stefan proved that he is one of the top contenders,” said Myburgh.

Stefan is currently preparing for the South African all styles kickboxing championships that will take place in Gauteng next month. Kian won a bronze medal in the boys’ 14 to 15 years intermediate light continuous contact division.

Myburgh said Kian had to deal with big contenders in his specific categories, but proved to be a force to be reckoned with in the future.

“He is an extremely hard worker and has one goal; to be the best in his division during the next championships,” said Myburgh.

“The two cannot wait for the announcement of the South African squad that will compete in the world championship in the US in 2015,” added Myburgh.

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