Egypt awaits wrestlers

Limpopo wrestlers Terry and Lucius van Rensburg from Westenburg were selected to compete in the Junior Africa Wrest-ling Championships in Egypt in May.

POLOKWANE – Limpopo wrestlers Terry and Lucius van Rensburg from Westenburg were selected to compete in the Junior Africa Wrestling Championships in Egypt in May.

According to their aunt, Cynthia van Rensburg, coming from a neighbourhood ravaged by drug abuse and a poor socio-economic background, the brothers found refuge in wrestling.

“They were introduced to the wrestling arena 12 years ago when their father took them to a wrestling academy in the city. Lucius was seven and Terry was nine years old when they began their wrestling careers, which started as a hobby and a distraction.

“The hobby has landed them on winners’ podiums throughout Africa and in the World,” says Cynthia. “They are the pride of Limpopo and South Africa.”

Terry has been crowned South African champion 16 times and African champion twice. He was also crowned Common Wealth champion in Singapore last year.

He won second places in the senior Common Wealth Championships twice.

Terry also appeared on the SABC TV sports programme, Sports Buzz. The programme profiled him as best African wrestler. He visited the US in 2011 to get the feel of international wrestling.

Lucius was crowned six-time South African champion and crowned African champion once.

He was also very successful at the World championships held in Serbia last year.

“The two continue to enjoy the support they receive from their parents, family and community. It is unfortunate that these youngsters do not have a permanent sponsor,” says Cynthia.

The Van Rensburg brothers are in need of funding for their trip to Egypt, with the cost standing at R18 500 per team member.

The secretary-general of the South African Wrestling Federation, Manie van den Berg, granted them permission to ask for donations to help cover the costs.

Van den Berg says donors or business people willing to help can send money to:

• Standard Bank.

• Account name: South African Wrestling Federation

• Account number: 023031662.

• Branch code: 001255, Rivonia.

“Donors can fax or e-mail copies of their deposit slips to 0866131954 or send an e-mail to to ensure the money is put to good use. Use the surname of the participant as reference. All enquiries should be directed to 082 922 9411,” says Van den Berg.

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