Foundation donates soccer balls to schools, community clubs

Soccer balls were donated to eight primary and two secondary schools in the first week of the 2018 academic year by the SM Legacy Foundation, an organisation that aims to encourage youths to participate in sport activities, stay fit and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Further donations to three primary schools and three community football clubs …

Soccer balls were donated to eight primary and two secondary schools in the first week of the 2018 academic year by the SM Legacy Foundation, an organisation that aims to encourage youths to participate in sport activities, stay fit and adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Further donations to three primary schools and three community football clubs were to be made that week.
Chairperson of the following foundation, Solly Malatsi who is a Democratic Alliance Parlimentarian explained that they were targeting u.15 teams and donate ten balls per team. He said the campaign, ‘Soccer balls for kids’ aims to encourage learners to take part in sport activities both at school and at their respective communities to live a healthy life that would contribute enormously to their studies. Malatsi said the campaign will be an annual thing and hoped that the gesture will increase a number of athletes in rural communities.
“The campaign is part of SM Legacy soccer tournament which will be held on dates and venues that are yet to be confirmed. The tourney will cater for 32 senior football clubs, eight women soccer teams and eight u.15 boys’ teams. We don’t have enough women’s football clubs in the province hence we might feature teams from other provinces,” Malatsi stressed.
They also urged youngsters to participate in as many sport activities as possible to find their strengths and stay healthy. He concluded by reminding that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind hence young people should take sport serious because sport can also be used to earn a decent living.


Learners from Khamanyani Primary School in Tiyani with SM Legacy Foundation chairperson Solly Malatsi, at the back.
Moduane TseTse Fly u.15 football club is a beneficiary of the SM Legacy Foundation’s Soccer Balls for Kids campaign.
Sefateng Star Aces u.15 soccer team members express their joy at receiving ten balls from the SM Legacy Foundation. With them is the foundation chairperson Solly Malatsi.
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