
Elvis Masoga: The dawn of anarchy and rage

The virtues of goodwill, decency and righteousness are fast vanishing from the prisms of human society. Morality, legality and rationality are drowning into the darkest cesspool of extinction.

As we bear spectacle to the frightening dawn of anarchy, our nation should perhaps ponder these introspective questions: Are morals and ethics still instrumental in the valuation of human behaviour?

Is our education system failing to cultivate civility, eminence and respect in society? Is our intrinsic humanity submerging into a hollow abyss of moral abomination? Is immorality and greed emerging triumphant over the virtues of goodwill and righteousness?

Has the family, church, school and media failed to cultivate moral value in society? Can we actually survive the raging tide of predatory criminality and repulsive violence?

Most evidently, our country is finally succumbing to the claws of violent criminality, belligerence and voracious greed.

Our schools, colleges, universities and workplaces are besieged by witless anarchy. Rapacious acts of arson and vandalism have come to characterise most community protests.

A student protest at college or university can deviously degenerate into a riotous festival of anarchy. Schools, libraries and clinics are usually torched or vandalised during community protests. Marches organised by trade unions usually culminate into destructive mayhem and malicious vandalism.

The most diabolical act of barbarity is when protesting nurses refuse to care for patients at public hospitals. An inherited social psychosis and repulsive rage had scarred our moral conscience. We have suddenly morphed into an angry nation – road rage, domestic violence, school-based bullying, torching of public amenities, vulgarity of politics.

The morally sick and demented folks will usually charge: “Violence is the language best understood by Government during community protests.”

That symbolises the dawn of nihilistic anarchy and moral aberration in the country.

The virtues of goodwill, decency and righteousness are fast vanishing from the prisms of human society. Morality, legality and rationality are drowning into the darkest cesspool of extinction. We are a nation under siege. Fear, danger and violence are always lurking ferociously over the horizons.

Our nation had arrived at a tipping point of no-return – a penultimate battle between evil and goodwill. We must defeat criminality, violence, anarchy and immorality.

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