OPINION: Moral and ethical consciousness evolution needed for a better South Africa

Bonus columnist, Elvis Masoga says morals and ethics are a divine compass that guide human behaviour towards a path of goodwill and righteousness.

An evolution of a new moral and ethical consciousness among citizens is needed for the prosperity of our country.

Many of our economic and socio-economic conundrums are largely fueled and occasioned by our moral and ethical aberrations. Lustful traits such as greed, self-enrichment and crass materialism have come to define the penultimate motive for human advancement. The pursuit of material possessions and capital accumulation have long eroded the qualitative vitality of righteousness, honesty, goodwill and decency.

Corruption, nepotism, public looting, thievery, sexual harassment, violent crime, gender-based violence, domestic violence, religious falsehoods and trickery, are underlying symptoms of a morally sick society. Most people have erased, from their hearts and conscience, a variation between good and bad, right and wrong, moral and immoral, diligence and mediocrity, wisdom and foolishness. Our moral sense of humanity and decency is fast diminishing from our daily actions and critical decision-making.

We can easily decide to pay or receive a bribe without feeling any sense of shame or embarrassment. Some citizens are now accustomed to drinking in public, drinking and driving, whilst some motorists derive pleasure from speeding and reckless driving. Our churches are mostly led by false prophets and tsotsi pastors whose motive is to rob and steal from gullible congregants. In his commentary on Covid-19 corruption, former president Kgalema Motlanthe wisely quips: Naa dihlong di kae? Where is the shame?

Without morals and ethics, we will never succeed in our quest to build a better, wonderful and prosperous country. They are the most powerful ingredients of humanity, compassion, righteousness, honesty and humility. Morals and ethics are a divine compass that guide human behaviour towards a path of goodwill and righteousness.

As a nation, we must begin to change and reset our cognitive thinking, conscience and behavioral conduct. We must begin to overload our hearts with a sense of compassion, humanity, righteousness, honesty, civility and decency. Corruption, thieving, criminality, bribery, nepotism, dishonesty, sexual harassment, gender-based violence and related vices are all terribly bad, inhumane, immoral and unethical. At all times, we must always strive for goodwill and righteousness. That is our only way to build a better and wonderful country.

DISCLAIMER: Northern Media Group encourages freedom of speech and the expression of diverse views. The views or opinions of columnists published in NMG publications are therefore their own and do not necessarily represent the views of NMG. elvismasoga123@gmail.com

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