Open letter of gratitude to the premier, Chupu Mathabatha

Limpopo Premier, Chupu Mathabatha deserves a golden salute for his precious heart of goodwill and visionary intelligence.

When other provinces were openly rebelling against the National Government, it was Mathabatha who graciously agreed to host a quarantine zone in Limpopo for the 122 repatriated citizens from Wuhan, in China. I will revert back to this inspiring tale a bit later! The world is currently besieged by the most deadliest pandemic in history – Corona virus (COVID-19). This ferociously brutal disease has a monstrous ability to eliminate all human beings on earth. This virus was first reported in China in December 2019, and it has now spread to over 190 countries worldwide. COVID-19 has killed over 21 000 people, and has thus far infected more than 500 000 people worldwide.There were 122 South Africans who stranded in the city of Wuhan, the epicentre of the deadly pandemic. Three weeks ago President Cyril Ramaphosa proclaimed that our government will repatriate and evacuate those fellow citizens from China. Unfortunately, a pandemonium erupted when government announced that those repatriated citizens will be quarantined in one of the provinces in the country. Communities in the Free State, North West, Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng openly refused to host a quarantine camp in their respective provinces. Mathabatha displayed his humanity and agreed to host that quarantine zone at The Ranch Resort outside Polokwane. Despite his technocratic brilliance and macro-economic sophistry, Mathabatha is blessed with pearls of humanity and goodwill. Importantly, the premier realised that the war against Corona virus can only be won if human beings are united and supportive of one another. I wholeheartedly wish to salute and thank Mathabatha for his heart of goodwill and generosity of spirit. His thoughtful actions are never clouded by any selfish interests, irrational paranoia or primitive hatred. Fortunately, all the repatriated citizens who were quarantined at The Ranch Resort tested negative for COVID-19.Through our shared humanity and profound support for one another, we can triumph against the monstrous pandemic. The war against COVID-19 is an ultimate battle we cannot afford to lose as humankind. Our true humanity is modelled on unity in action.

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