
‘Total lockdown’ strategy will combat Coronavirus, Covid-19

Coronavirus (Covid -19) is possibly the most deadliest and ferociously virulent contagious disease in the history of post-modernist world.

For the first time in modern civilization, human beings on earth are facing the most terrifying possibility of absolute extinction. This virulent pandemic is dangerously pushing our human planet to an untenable point of precipice.
The first cases of Coronavirus were first diagnosed and reported in the city of Wuhan, in China towards the end of 2019. Actually, what is Coronavirus (Covid-19)? It is an insipid combination of contagious viruses that infect and paralyses the respiratory organs of an infected person. To date, the deadly virus has claimed over 6500 lives, and it has so far infected more than 170 000 people worldwide. On thursday the World Health Organisation had declared Covid-19 a global pandemic. Presently, this fatally infectious pandemic it is now wreaking havoc in more than 150 countries globally. The monstrous virulence of the deadly Covid-19 is more ferocious in China, South Korea, Italy, Japan, Iran, Europe, USA, United Kingdom and Germany.
The ‘total lockdown’ strategy has been adopted as a powerful containment measure against the rapid spread of the virus. Total Lockdown refers to a situation whereby Government decides to close its borders, airports and all points of entry. The main purpose of ‘total lockdown’ strategy is to prevent any trans-national mobility of people and goods between countries. The raging contagious gravity of Coronavirus is largely exacerbated by persons who have visited China or have been in contact with infected persons from China.
In South Africa, this deadly pandemic is beginning to flex its murderous muscles at an alarming rate. To date, 61 persons in the country are officially confirmed to have contracted Covid-19. The only consoling observation is that our country has not yet recorded any death caused by the insipid Coronavirus.
To best contain and combat this pernicious pandemic, our Government must grow balls of steel and impose a total lockdown. We must close all our airports,harbours, borders and all points of entry in order to stop any transnational mobility. All schools, colleges and universities must be closed with immediate effect until we have managed to contain and eliminate this devious pandemic. President Ramaphosa must stop tiptoeing and declare a full-blown state of emergency in the country. If not swiftly contained, this deadly virus will eliminate all human beings on earth.


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