Keeping hydrated at work

As such, maintaining good hydration can contribute towards well-being, productivity and positivity in the workplace

POLOKWANE – Are you able to drink healthy fluids i.e. water, milk, tea or coffee regularly at work?

A survey done during the 2016 Dietitian Week showed that 7% of people are unable to drink healthy fluids regularly at work and 30% are sometimes able to do so.

Keeping well hydrated improves how we function and perform. Symptoms of mild dehydration can include headache, thirst, and can even affect how we feel and think.

Mild dehydration is also associated with impaired concentration, poor decision making, reduced skill and accuracy, irritability and tiredness, and can be worsened in warm environments.

As such, maintaining good hydration can contribute towards well-being, productivity and positivity in the workplace.

Tips to assess if you are keeping well hydrated:

• Fluid recommendations state we should aim for at least six to eight cups/glasses per day, where a glass/cup is equivalent to 150ml to 200ml of fluid. That is 1L  to 1.6L daily.
• Ensuring you drink enough is important when at work. Over an eight hour working day we should aim to consume around half our daily requirement of fluid i.e. at least three to four cups or glasses.
• Try to take regular drink breaks and keep a reusable drink bottle handy to refill with tap water.
• In the workplace, water is an ideal fluid, but coffee, tea, herbal tea, lower-fat milk and low-sugar versions of drinks are great too.

Dietitians are the experts in looking at the most up-to-date research on links between diet and health, including how we feel and behave at work and translating this into practical guidance.


Anke van Waveren is a registered dietitian


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