Relentless Youth with Nhlanhla

It is not a problem to admire someone, but it is wrong to admire a person so much that you want to lose yourself and try be them.

Recapturing your true identity


We are living in times where in people have mistakenly taken the identity of other highly acclaimed personalities such as sports celebrities, musicians, actors and so on.  While they themselves may be living in the world of realities, (well some of them of course) those who follow and admire them have bought into their images that others have naturally inherited with money. The pain ascribed to the lost, unrealistic and pretend identity is robbing the youth of their true lives which could have been lived in full.

It is not a problem to admire someone, but it is wrong to admire a person so much that you want to lose yourself and try be them. If you imitate someone, the best thing you can ever come close to, is to be his/her second best. But if you pursue being yourself and building your brand, you have more to gain than becoming second best.

Peeling off the layers of toxicity

If there is a tough thing that we can do for ourselves, it is peeling off the layers of mistaken identity. We ought to build and master the image that is locked within us by the creator and giver of life even if it is difficult. Separate yourself from the boundaries of people’s idea and inaccurate opinion of you. You are a person by yourself and not according to what other say of you. You have to get out of your way and stop limiting yourself by embracing wrong ideologies, opinions and perceptions of you. Build yourself by building bridges in your mind that leads to your destiny.

Your mind is the best factory where all products, tangible and intangible are manufactured. Napoleon Hill said “more gold has been mined in the mind of man than from the earth”. You can be physically impaired, but if your mind is still intact, you can live beyond what many physically abled people can achieve.

If you do not live up to the reality of your purpose, you rob the world of what God has invested in you. Bonnke Shipalana asked a very profound question and I want to leave you with it; “should you die, what would the world have lost?’. Dr Myles Monroe said the richest place on earth is the cemetery. People have died with ideas never realized, dreams never pursued, books never written, music never sang.

Refuse to miss out on your identity!

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